How They Met

SailorNeptune, Uranus, and Pluto were guarding the galaxy from the Heart Snatchers. This was their only mission. To destroy the Heart Snatchers. But the Outer Senshi allowed them to escape to Earth, and so followed the Heart Snatchers to keep them from getting the three PureHeart Crystals. These PureHeart crystals, when withdrawn from the carriers, will reveal the three talismans that form the Holy Grail.

When the Heart Snatchers escaped to Earth, SailorUranus and SailorNeptune were reborn. Like SailorVenus, Neptune was a Senshi long before she met up with the Inner Senshi.

Michiru then was introduced to Ten�ou Haruka by Eliza Gray. Eliza was a track competor who lost to Haruka. Even before Michiru knew that Haruka was SailorUranus, she watched her, attracted.

�Befor I knew that you were the one I was watching you from near by when you were racing for the first time. I always wanted to ride in your car along the coastline just once� You never asked any favors of anyone. You are always faithful to your feelings.�

When Haruka is attacked by a demon, Neptune comes to her rescue. In saving her from danger, Neptune gets injured

�If you hurt your hands, you can�t be a violinist!�

Haruka is torn between the need to save Neptune and the fear of her destiny. But she reaches for her henshin stick, and becomes SailorUranus for the first time.

�I know more about you than you do because I watch you all the time! I don�t want you to take the same way as I took. Still, I was happy when I found out that you were the one. I�m sorry. I didn�t mean to talk about it�sorry��